Here are a few options for determining your ring size.
Go to a Jewelry Store and they will measure your ring size for free.
Order a ring sizer. We have two types that you can buy. If you need to know RIGHT NOW, our downloadable printable ring sizer is your best bet. Click here to order .pdf ring sizer.
If you cant wait a few days, you can order our plastic ring sizer with free shipping. Click here to order plastic ring sizer.

Use an existing ring that fits the finger in question and measure the diameter of the inside circle. Use the table below to determine the size using the mm column.
Use household Items to measure your ring size. You will need a piece of paper or string, a pen and a ruler with mm.
Cut a piece of paper or string into a length of 2-3". Wrap paper/string around base of finger. With a pen, mark where the two ends meet. Measure the paper/string from end to pen mark on a ruler.
We suggest using a millimeter ruler, its easier to read.
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Inside Circumference end to end + the Gap = Total Inside Circumference.
Total Inside Circumference = Wrist Size