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Welcome to Laughing Frog Studio

This is our first blog post. GAH! We are not really sure what we are doing, so bear with us as we grow and evolve. 

First we'd like to WELCOME you to Laughing Frog Studio. We opened for business in 2008 on etsy and, while we still have some creations on that site, we eventually grew to the point where we needed our own website to sell our creations and better connect with our loyal customers. 

We are a small mom and pop shop, literally! Matt and I are parents to two kids and started making upcycled silverware creations (spoon rings, spoon cuff bracelets etc.) as a means to make a little extra money - raising kids is expensive!! WHO KNEW?!?!? Our daughter (and our son) has played hockey since she was three years old. She chose the sport and little did we know how expensive it would end up being. But it brought her joy and sense of self and purpose, so we were gonna do whatever was needed to finance her passion. 

But in the process, we also found our passion. Matt, while he spends his weekdays as a desk jockey, he finds deep fulfillment in creating with his hands - he even minored in art in college! I have always loved and admired those who could create with their hands. I never felt I had such innate skills, but mentoring under Matt, I have found that maybe in fact I do!

While our our daughter no longer plays expensive club hockey, she now attends expensive college and plays hockey! Meanwhile, our son no longer plays expensive club hockey, he is away at boarding school in the southeast. So now Matt and I together fulfill our passion whilst making some extra money to help pay for these expensive kids.

Please feel free to poke around our new website and let us know if you have any questions. Stay tuned for more blog posts and hopefully we will get the hang of this thing called blogging!


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